Mental Motivation And Goal Setting For Effective Workout

It is an accepted fact that workouts keep one fit and healthy. But an effective exercise routine would be one, which would help the development of the mind and body. The performance can be maximized, by the use of proper motivation and goal setting methods. In psychological terms, motivation refers to initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior. Motivation is a dynamic state of mind, the desire and willingness to do something. Incorporating these techniques in your workout regime can work wonders for both, your mind and body.

Sports psychologists have been successfully using these techniques, to maximize physical performance. This strategy can be used by anyone, depending on the fitness regime adopted. The focus for every effort and routine should be through mental preparation. Process oriented goal setting through visualization and relaxation and other mental techniques should be adopted.

Total concentration and mental focus can be achieved by association. It is a technique used in which a person totally drowns himself in the task being performed. While exercising, focusing attention on the movement of body parts and muscles is very beneficial. Such a technique is commonly used in martial arts, where coordination between body parts is increased dramatically. When a person decides to go with the flow, there is full, but relaxed concentration on every task. A person should immerse himself in the current activity with mind, body and soul. At such times, a person is totally free from all kinds of worries and concerns and thus, excellence is achieved.

Disassociation is another technique, where attention is diverted from the body part, as well as the task being performed. Thus, it is exactly opposite to association. This can be used when one gets bothered by constant repetition. Constant repetition of exercise causes discomfort, stress and also fatigue at times. But if the attention is maintained out of focus, the exercise can be performed for much longer time, which would no doubt benefit the body. Music and vocal suggestions can also be used to practice disassociation.

Different kinds of techniques can be applied at different times. Some can be applied at the start, some at the end and some during the workout. Visualization is one such technique, where one thinks good thoughts and pictures nice images. As there is a direct correlation between the mind and the body, the body will be affected in a positive way. This technique can be used before exercising, to feel motivated to exercise. When used during a workout, it makes you feel good about what you are doing and helps you focus on the benefits that it will bring you. After the work out, it can be used to connect to the inner self and visualize the purpose of the exercise, which is ultimately fulfilled and makes you feel calm and relaxed. The mind can be fed with anything, to develop confidence and self esteem.

Other techniques such as guided muscle and body relaxation using breathing techniques and simultaneously concentrating on the body parts can help overcome stress and enhance performance. Usually negative thinking leads to de-motivation and failure. Positive thinking is used to suppress negative thoughts and weaknesses and glorify strengths and also believing that you can do anything.

Hypnosis Therapy – Treating Health and Mental Problems With Hypnosis Therapy

It has been a proven fact that the mind can overrule the most basic of our body’s functions. Medical practitioners are using hypnosis therapy to help modern society cope with health-related problems today. In fact, hypnosis therapy is widely used on behavioral and mental problems as well, such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, etc.

How Hypnosis Therapy Works

It works by putting the patient in a trance-like condition that increases the activity level of our brain, while the body is in a relaxed state.

During this stage, an individual can give cognitive -suggestions- to the person’s subconscious mind. Aside from being induced by another, it can be induced on your own using meditation – commonly termed as self-hypnosis.

Mind Over Body

The concept of hypnosis therapy is used to help a person cope with their psychological problems, such as fear, depression, anxiety, phobias, and health-risk habits like smoking.

In most cases, this form of treatment is being used by dieters and health-buffs to condition their mind to achieve their goal. Aside from these problems, pain brought by post surgical procedures can be relieved using this method.

Hypnosis therapy will not work if it is against the will of the patient. In most cases, drugs are usually administered to these individuals to put them in a trance-like state against their will. This is usually practiced in mental institutions in treating mentally ill patients.

The mind is definitely a powerful tool to affect the healing of the human body. Since the mind controls all the major functions in our anatomy, it is only proper to allow our conscious and subconscious thought to affect the normal facets of our body.

Using hypnosis therapy, you can be confident that the benefits it will bring to your health are tremendous.

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One Consumer’s Observations of the Mental Health Care System in America

The Mental health system is a unique culture. Psychiatry itself is, unlike any other medical specialty. Mental health is an enclosed system. That means it is a world within a world. The doctors, therapists, patients, and support workers play roles. It’s a reciprocal environment. Each player in the system allows the other person the opportunity to act out his or her role. For example, the Psychiatrist gives you a diagnosis that has no basis (Yes this does happen from time to time). You, the patient, having complete faith in the powers of the behavioral health system, accept this diagnosis as the gospel truth. In time, you begin to notice certain behaviors and thoughts that you believe may be a sign of your supposed illness. You return to your doctor and report these symptoms. Your Psychiatrist agrees with your observations and writes them down in your medical record. He also inserts his authoritative comments to support his opinion. Therefore, both parties in the relationship are mutually validated in their roles.

When one has been playing the patient role for so long, a person begins to identify himself or herself as a -psych patient.- That-s who you are. This is the term that defines your very existence. You belong to the mental health system. Soon enough you find that every activity you engage yourself in is related to your disorder and the medication your doctor prescribed to suppress it. It’s a sad commentary indeed. It’s sadder still for the person who needlessly struggles against an undefinable defect in his or her character as if the diagnosis were the irrefutable truth. I acknowledge the fact that the unsettling scenario I am painting here is not true for every psychiatric patient.

At some point, the psychiatric patient discovers the benefits of being labeled mentally ill. There are mental health workers, such as case managers who assist the -consumer- in obtaining a free living allowance from the Federal government in the form of Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income in whatever minimal amount it may be. I will add for comfort that social security disability benefits are reported (by the government) to run dry in 2016. A consumer is often entitled to free housing, health care, food assistance, and much more. The mentally ill person may even have the right under certain disability laws to bring a pit-bull into a no-pet residential community. Technically speaking, you could even take it on a commercial airliner. The reason is simply because your therapist deemed it necessary that you have an emotional support animal (oops was that a secret?). Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure there are people who require a companion animal for their emotional health. I’m not trying to be disrespectful to those who are struggling. What I’m saying that there are incentives built into the system for many people to accept their diagnosis and play out their role.

There are case managers and outreach workers that will go to court with you, and advocate on your behalf before the judge when you run afoul of the law. They will help the mentally ill with all of their personal affairs. What a bargain! Run out and tell all of your friends about it. Let the government take care of you. It makes being a psychiatric patient seem so much more attractive. Why wouldn’t anyone want a Psychiatrist label to them disabled? Again, I’m being sarcastic to make my point that people, who are improperly labeled with a DSM V diagnosis, run the risk of becoming dependent on the mental health system for their needs.

This kind of social welfare encourages people to give up their ambition and motivation. It instills the idea that living a marginal existence is sufficient. I, for one, believe in the greatness people can achieve for themselves and the world by applying themselves.

Remember this. Once you get into the mental health system your chances of getting out are slim. There are a number of reasons for this. Primarily because the Psychiatrist or Psychologist has you convinced that you have a serious medical problem, which you can’t handle yourself. We all know that’s ridiculous. Many people manage their depression and anxiety remarkably well without the use of psychiatric medications. If Ativan calms your nerves and helps you function, then that’s great. On the other hand, I have seen plenty of people become addicted to sedatives. These drugs are unsafe. I wouldn’t put your faith in the safety of the anti-depressants either. I think the pharmaceutical giants are quick to point that out as a result of the numerous class action lawsuits filed against them.

Some blame can be placed on the pharmaceutical companies for this unnatural drug dependence. As I was writing this article, I surfed NAMI’s website (National Alliance for Mental Illness) and noticed -In Our Own Voice,- a public education program, is funded by a grant from Eli Lily. This is the pharmaceutical giant that manufactures psychiatric drugs like Prozac, Zyprexa, and Cymbalta. I gather (without too much mental effort) that Eli Lily’s generosity is a publicity campaign to make them look like one of the good guys in the mental field, and as a result, boost sales. As I surfaced the Internet, I found that NAMI has been receiving their fair share of criticism for their questionable association with pharmaceutical companies. I will not say NAMI is immoral or unethical. That would be too easy. If Ely Lily offered me thousands of dollars, I would have to seriously consider taking it. Sometimes the decision to cross the line depends on one’s real life needs. Other times it just has to do with making a buck. There is no denying that this kind of corporate misconduct adversely affects the mental health system and exacerbates the suffering of its consumers. Again, I know some people require the assistance of the pharmaceutical companies and the psychiatric community. The screening process for prescribing these medications is a big part of the problem. That’s because there is no adequate process in place for dispensing these potentially dangerous drugs.

Society itself contributes to this dysfunctional culture. The general attitude of the public is -As long as they are not bothering us you can do what you please with them.- This gives the mental health providers even more authority to do as they please. And so the psychiatric patient is stripped of his or her rights. As I see it, a psychiatric patient is a human being without respect or dignity. You can call my words dramatic if you like.

It may seem as I am playing the blame game and the taking on the victim role. Allow to clarify the role of the patient in the mental health system (those like myself). I will be the first to admit that the informed psychiatric patient is the one who is primarily responsible for his or her unfortunate situation. We have to accept our role in the system. No one can twist your arm behind your back, and say, -Go see a therapist about your anxiety.- At least that’s true in most cases. When you reflect on why you did it, you will say, -It seemed like a good idea at the time.-

The worst thing a mentally ill person could ever do, is telling someone about his or her condition. As soon as you do, the other person looks at you differently. An automatic flash goes off in the person’s brain, -Oh God. Here we go. His illness is acting up.- This attitude is especially noticeable in the face of a mental health professional, your family members, and closest friends. It’s a universal reaction. From the moment you reveal your secret, everything you do will be blamed on your illness. The ways in which you express yourself as a normal human being will be measured against your supposed disorder. If you are frustrated about something, the people in your life will conclude, -His meds aren’t working.- When people think you cannot hear them, they will gossip amongst themselves, -Oh he’s a psych patient. That’s why he looks agitated. That’s part of his illness.- This attitude is quite common. It comes from a lack of understanding. How could a person know, unless he or she has personally experienced it.

If you should attempt to verbalize your rights as a human being, the mental health provider will proceed to have you committed to a psychiatric hospital against your will. The patient can be held for an indefinite period of time until a clinician decides the person has come to his or her senses. The mental health professionals can essentially do whatever they want with you because no one is going to speak out against them. In Massachusetts, psychiatric patients must retain a specially trained lawyer to represent them before a mental health court in order to be released. This is where we are in 2013. I’ll bet most of you reading this article didn’t know how our behavioral health system works. We are still in the dark ages.

The only time the state of the mental health system is brought to light is when a patient commits suicide or kills someone. Then there is a public uproar and the Psychiatrist or therapist are blamed or in some cases sued. In their defense, no doctor can control the behavior of their patient in society. That is not their job as I see it. The mental health professional cannot be held responsible for the actions of their patients, unless they were grossly negligent in some way. We are free and sovereign human beings. In the United States, people are generally allowed to operate freely without undue interference from others. The American attitude is -No one has the right to tell me what to do.- It’s a slightly different story if the patient states that he or she intends to commit suicide or kill someone. Then the call to duty is activated. Mental illness is a complicated matter. This article presents an insider’s view of the system. My depiction of the mental health system in this paper is not necessarily representative of other people’s experiences. This observation is based on my own experience and perspective.

Mental Health Support – How to help the individual overcome that situation

Only a carer can tell you how it feels living with a mentally disabled person. It’s all about his dedication towards the deceased person which helps that person in battling with that situation. By taking various actions, one can bring great change in the living of people. These mental disabilities maybe as disruptive to daily life as anxiety or depression or as debilitating as bi-polar disorders or schizophrenia. These people take life in a different way and this is the reason they need to be handled in a particular way. Only a professional can help you deal with them properly.

On looking into the brain of a schizophrenic patient, you will find many disturbances resulted by various biochemical reactions. It is difficult to determine information about their origin unless we get into dream interpretation of that person. On doing this, we get many reasons from the unconscious mind that produces our dreams.

The best place to look for mental health support is to look for professionals online. Today every reputed mental health support work professional is available on internet. In case of such situation, the first point of contact remains your family doctor. He tells us where to contact further for right treatment. If he sees something more serious and complex, he may refer you to a psychiatrist for a more detailed assessment. A psychiatrist is a doctor who has undertaken further specialist study and therefore has in-depth knowledge of the brain and mental illness and will be in a better position to make an accurate diagnosis and to decide on the most appropriate treatment and medication.

The recovery for a mentally disabled person may not be same as a normal patient. Medication along with great emotional assistance is required to make the person completely healed. If you’re a carer, there are special sessions for you so that you can ensure better recovery of the individual in the shortest time possible. Seeking help from the experts is the best possible way to make the person comfortable and at ease.

Carers doing mental health support work need to be properly trained and skilled so that they can take adequate care of the deceased person. There are many organizations that help people do proper care of their loved ones battling with this kind of situation. You will find many latest treatment therapies being used here such as Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CCBT)which offers people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression a drug-free effective treatment for Mental Health Support Work.

Want to know about an organization engaged in mental health support work? Since 1982, Making Space has been working with people affected by mental health conditions, and with their carers, to help them shape their lives based on their own personal aspirations and circumstances.

Mind Power Seduction – Discover the Magic of Magnificent Mental Powers of Persuasion

In this article we are going to discuss mind power seduction. Now, I’m going to be honest with you. There is A LOT of mediocre minded advice out there regarding the art and science of TRUE mental persuasion and seduction, and quite frankly, MOST of it is being offered by men who have apparently NEVER practiced the craft! So if you are on the fence about whether or not this is the lifestyle of adventure for you, continue reading as I share a bit more REAL excitement below!

Who are the People Presently Practicing the Art and Science of Seduction Persuasion?

I’m going to tell you just about ALL the power brokers you see today – including those who are happily married and monogamous! How can this be you ask? It’s quite simple! The art and science of TRUE mind power seduction has very little to do with simple sex. It has EVERYTHING to do with being seductive though…and there is a huge difference. Let me explain…

Politics and the Power of Persuasion

Look at today’s politicians in the present day presidential race. Now, there is a whole lot of VERY seductive speech going on, and this is incredibly powerful stuff that engenders everyone who gets sucked into the vortex of this field. The simple truth is that we ALL have the ability to be easily seduced by what we hear, and the true expert in the communicating this doesn’t care if you are male, female, socially available….or not!

Practical Implications for the Rest of Us

Look, very few of us are going to run for public office – but using these sorts of skills in EVERYDAY life, including with the opposite sex, is a guaranteed way of becoming magnetically hypnotic in a hurry! Simply try some of these techniques on that girl you’ve had your eye on…or that boss who won’t give you the time of day, and watch OUT for the mind blowing results!

And remember, to become POWERFULLY magnetic should be the aspiration of EVERY man (or woman) who simply wants to SUCK all of the JOY and juice out of life and eat from the fruits of unlimited power, PASSION and potential. I believe we are EACH given the ability to focus our MINDS, and our desires on that which we DESPERATELY wish to achieve, and that THIS is the fundamental truth and promise that hypnosis holds for all who dare to indulge in it’s secrets.

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