Mental Activity Leading To Weight Gain

Too much mental exertion can bring about a boost in appetite. As some may know, actual physical work is as tiring as mental strain. Mental labor, according to studies, “destabilizes” insulin and glucose levels thus driving one to eat more because of boost in hunger. There are a number of factors that point to a jump in appetite, and a lot of those has something to do with the mind of a person.

A foremost mental factor is one that is triggered by mental challenges – stress. Stress is associated to eating extra. I for one tend to eat a lot more when I am stressed out in the past. This reaction of your body to your state of mind will be automatic once you let your guard down.

Rats are no different from humans. Glucocorticoid steroid hormone, or cortisol in humans, is dispensed by rats when they are chronically stressed, as researchers found out. In turn, this spurs the rats to excitedly participate in pleasure-seeking acts. These actions shall eventually help them promote abdominal obesity because of the amount of high-energy foods that they ate.

A person will acquire abdominal obesity by excessive or gratuitous eating. Diabetes, stroke, and increased risk of heart attack are just some illnesses and disease associated to abdominal obesity. Getting rid of stress before it gets out of hand is better than relieving it with a fat burger and a big soda!

Boredom and loneliness are fingered by British researchers too. These also cause an increase in eating in about fifty percent of adults! Potato chips and ice cream is just a couple of comfort foods to stay away from. These foods are generally consumed in large amounts passing along large quantities of fat too!

There’s no alibi to not be conscious of your hunger after a tiring day at work now that you know. But if you are legitimately hungry, then eat by all means. Never forget that what your body needs is proper nutrition, so eat healthy and eat right! A well balanced diet and a healthy regimen of day by day exercise is a positive hit to take your weight-worries away.